Our youth cafe, affectionately known as Frank’s, is a drop in for youth ages 13-21 that is open Tuesday-Thursday from 11am-7pm, and Friday from 11am-6pm. It’s a place where teens can come to feel safe, to get food, clothing and other basic needs. It’s a place they can find acceptance and belonging, a place where they can have a voice and be listened to. Where they can get help with everything from homework to homelessness. Our motto at Frank’s is “All are welcome, no questions, no judgement – just Frank’s!”
At our youth emergency crash bed, youth from the ages of 16-24 who don’t have a safe place to go at night can come, take a shower, do laundry, get food and have a bed to sleep in overnight. We also work with the youth to connect them with other social services in Middlesex County, whether that’s help accessing OW/ODSP, counselling, or just securing long term housing.
The crash bed is available by referral only Thursday – Monday nights, 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Referrals must be completed by 9:30 p.m. the night it’s needed. For referrals or more information, you can email Josina Pranger (Crash Bed Coordinator) at josina.p@yfcstrathroy.com or call/text 226-927-8441